1. Publish ASP.NET Identity Database Project
SQL Database Project (SSDT):
You can publish it by double-clicking on the
./Publish Profiles/Local.publish.xml
file in the Solution Explorer.2. Generate Entity Framework model using EF Designer
See ASP.NET Identity Database-First model example:
3. Copy UserEntity.cs, UserRoleEntity.cs, RoleStore.cs, UserStore.cs and Resources into your project
And make sure property names in User, UserLogin, UserRole and UserClaim entities match the ones used in RoleStore and UserStore providers.
4. Done! You can use it like this:
var db = new ApplicationDbContext(); // your custom EF model
var userManager = new UserManager<User, int>(new UserStore(db));
userManager.CreateUserAsync(new User { UserName = "demouser" });